Sue Bird co-launches women’s sports, lifestyle company Togethxr with Simone Manuel, Chloe Kim, Alex Morgan

Photo Credit: Julio Aguilar/Getty Images

One of the elements of being in the women’s sports space is constantly pointing out and lamenting the lack of coverage women’s sports receives in comparison to its male counterparts.

While strides have been made to close this gap, the facts are that there remains a wide distance between women’s sports coverage and male sports coverage as well as women’s sports money and men’s sports money.

Four of the world’s elite athletes decided to join forces and not wait for the mainstream outlets to tell these stories.

Sue Bird, Alex Morgan, Chloe Kim and Simone Manuel have co-launched Togethxr, a new media company that will shine a greater light on women athletes.

Its YouTube channel is already teasing its first docuseries – “Fenom,” about 17-year-old boxing champion Chantel Navarro.